Adult Porn DVD For Sale

Chubby Perverts

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UPC 7331965430278 Availability In Stock
Studio Big Rig - Gay
Language English
Length about 90 Minutes

   $ 6.99   
  • Features

    DVD Player Compatible, DVD-Rom Compatible, No Regional Coding, Playable Worldwide

  • Description

    They may be carrying a few extra kilos, but it's certainly not impacting on their performance in the bedroom. These Chubby Perverts may have a voracious appetite, but its not all about fast food - they've also got a hunger on for a fat cock, a fast fuck and a big mouthful of warm cream. Ten chubsters and five scenes of sexual gluttony that'll see you ripping up your application for Weight Watchers. Who wants to diet when there's so much delicious treats and forbidden foods to feast on!

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